Summer Solstice On Historic Show Hill: Market Pop Up

Summer Solstice, June 21, 2014

Show Hill is located on 8th Street in the Tenth Street Historic District in Oak Cliff, Dallas, Texas at the top of an area called’The Bottoms’ due to its low-lying location.  The Show Hill land was once a vibrant community hub for retail, food and socializing on the hill.

The lot sits empty and filled with rocks, fringed by lush green and fanned by the hum of cars flying around the dead man’s curve that serves as the hill’s front door.  Atop this historic ground,  boasting one of the best views of downtown Dallas available, on this once vital block of business,  we payed homage to its great history by ‘activating the vacancy’ with a fresh business presence.

The design and build crew included bcWorkshop and neighborhood members and Activating Vacancies grantees that created market booths from the bamboo that grows freely throughout the area.

The result was a simple and beautiful market layout. The far side of the hill was designed with a walkway of market booths, the bcworkshop’s multi-purpose deck served as the stage, and there was a little food market and cafe.  Graduates from the Susu Cultural Business Incubator’s Vendor Certification Program and other local businesses brought the Hill to life.

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The day was a sun kissed affair with plenty of great activities. The prolific DJ O kept the scene vibrant with the good music vibes for everyone.  Live music from Don Bell Blues and a T-Bone Walker tribute serenaded the Tenth Street District. The activity list was packed with education and fun for everyone.  In addition to the market activities like: face painting with storyteller Melody Bell, interactive art workshops with Oil and Cotton, the midday Zumba workout, you did not want to miss Benny Walker’s Bob Cat ride!  Another Activating Vacancy project, ‘Ghost Bridges’,with urban design innovators Rabble Workshop, provided walking tours of the neighborhood.

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The vendors for the Show Hill Market really ‘showed out’ with a wide selection of unique hand-crafted goods and specialty services offered in the market.  Vendors displayed clothing, jewelry, art, bath & body products, and natural foods and artisanal drinks.

Meet some of the vendors:

Tenth Street Historic District, The Bottoms, Oak Cliff, South Dallas, The Hood: Home to a Neighborhood Market where you can sample home-brewed Kombucha and organic vegan tacos after a massage under the trees and some quick gift shopping while listening to live blues music overlooking the Dallas early summer skyline!

We are on a mission to develop local business, stimulate economic exchange and community re investment as a means to build neighborhood and guide the tide of re-urbanization.  We would love to hear from you!  Leave a comment below.  Join us for the next Susu Market on July 12, 2014.  Vendor Certification classes begin in August 2014.  Send an email to . Your positive participation and contributions are welcome.



Photo Credits: bcWorkshop, Jamila Mendez, Herschel Yelder, Tracey Clarke, Twymeka Jendayi Hill-Jones

– Tisha Crear

Susu Pop Up Market Video 4/26/2014

Check out the Market Day video from the Tenth Street Vendor Certification first MARKET, April 2014, Oak Cliff, TX. Guest Vendor, Kombucha Mane, Michael Benjamin, submitted this sweet bit of footage from the mini-market pop-up behind Greater El Bethel Baptist Church on that sunny Saturday afternoon.  The market took place around bcWorkshop’s Activating Vacancy instillation, “The Ark on Noah Street’ by Christopher Blay during Rebuilding America’s massive neighborhood renovation event.  Vendor Certification class members and guest vendors displayed hand crafted items with the DJ providing the soundtrack to a great day in the neighborhood.

( click >>HERE<< to read my notes on the experience )

Thank you Kombucha Mane for sharing this market day video! Looking forward to drinking Kombucha at this Saturday May 31st Pop-Up at Benny’s Island In the Hood 2.

Congratulations to the Susu Cultural Business Incubator VENDOR CERTIFICATION First Class.
Enjoy the video!