Greens & Almond Milk, Kombucha & Kava, Henna & Gem Stones, Bike Rides & Uber

South Oak Cliff Business

Pics from the Friday night PopUp Juice Bar in Oak Cliff. Sweet Beets & Sassafras at The Institute for Ancestral Braiding. Soundtrack: Feel Better, World – Ms. Badu

Highlights: Kombucha Mane stopped by and gave samples of his homebrew!  It was collard green and mint!  Perfect!  Indigenous Remedies brought Kava by the gallon. We adorned ourselves with Henna by Jaquai and shined up our new gemstones from Soulistic Wellness. Akwete of Pan African Connection came by and had an N’Dambi Sweet Juice w extra ginger.  We took a late night bike ride after the juice bar closed.  Shout out to the beautiful Uber riders that make the juice bar one of their Friday night Uber stops! ❤

THANK YOU N’dambi and Tudi for the loaner juicer!

#Susu #NaturallyIsis #JaquaiWade #IndigenousRemedies #KombuchaMane #MariposasGardens #SoulisticWellness #KaiyaOakea

Vid: Juice Dreams

Naturally IsisSweet Beets and Sassafras vision for a juice bar is a shared dream in alignment with Susu’s mission to assist in the launch of socially responsible business in the Southern sector of Dallas, Tx.  We are excited to make our juicy dreams come true with the launch of this popUp Juice Bar collaboration.  Check the video!

THANK YOU for supporting healthy business in the community. Continue reading “Vid: Juice Dreams”